Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Chapter 8

September 2009, Gurgaon

“Now can you tell me how you did this?” asked Tanishk’s mother inquisitively.
“Ohh, it was simple really. This is an awesome thing if humans learn to use it.” Tanishk said, while pointing towards his head.
“Don’t keep me in suspense. Tell me!” said his mother, even more eagerly.
“Ok. So I was shattered emotionally when I got that phone call. I don’t know how, but this triggered my thinking skills. I vowed that I would kill that guy. I vowed that I would kill all the people responsible. For that, I had to formulate a plan. I had to think straight. So I formulated a plan so perfect that the chances of failing were very less. I had to first know where your kidnappers were. So I created a tracker only from the parts of a CPU. It tracked the kidnappers’ location by the transmissions of the wireless cameras that were installed in our home. They had to transmit to the place where you were held captive. It would only be convenient for them. Next, I had to render their cameras and bugs useless. There was only one way I could do so, through the parts of the CPU. I created a similar machine, which cut the transmissions of the bugs and the cameras. It is simple to do that. Education does pay off. I was sure that the kidnappers would send someone to check what had happened. And I was right. They sent a guy, named Zafar. He was big and had a strong built, but nothing can survive when objected to high voltage of current. Don’t ask me how I made that machine. Before killing him, I had to talk to him as this was an essential part of the plan. After killing him I took his gun, phone and then buried him in the graveyard nearby. I had plenty of time for that. What a lovely burial! I put some flowers on top of his grave too! I got a call from the person who kidnapped you then. He was impatient. Very Impatient. As I had listened to Zafar speaking, I could mimic his tone and voice. I misled him. I made him to believe that I was at my home and Zafar, who was me again, was fixing the problem. Now I had to rush to Islampur, where you were held captive. This is the part of the plan which I like best. I hid near the warehouse. I then manipulated the software in Zafar’s phone to stop displaying the number when I called someone. Then I called the police, telling them that a bomb was going to set off in a large warehouse, in Islampur, which was of course, the place where you were held captive. I anticipated that the authorities would take this very seriously and reply as fast as possible. So I would have the full support of the police, with them being unaware of this situation. It would prove to be a good backup to. Then I called Mohan, the mastermind of this kidnapping, through Zafar’s phone. I anticipated that he would pick the phone up as no number would be displayed on the screen. Seriously, it isn’t every day that you see such a thing happen! I then impersonated the NBCI and threatened to arrest him in suspicion of drug possession. This certainly intimidated him, and he even tried to run away! I anticipated that as soon as the guards would see the police, they would start firing! I took advantage of this melee and entered the warehouse and took you to safety. I then had to kill Mohan. So I rushed back inside, with a gun in my hand. I killed him using only one bullet as he was caught unawares. I then had to clear all the evidence, to make sure that no one would know of my involvement in these affairs. So I planted a bomb which I had stolen from the arms room of the warehouse itself, in the main room. And then, I ran away, and BOOM! And now, I am here.” Tanishk said, being confident as ever.
Her mother was stunned. She couldn’t speak for a while.
“You killed so many people only for me.” Said Tanishk’s Mother.
“Yes. You are the only person who I truly am attached to. I actually enjoyed this.” Said Tanishk.
“Thank you, my son. But promise me that you will not kill any person again. Promise me that!” said her mother.
“Okay. I promise but I don’t understand something. If the kidnappers knew that we were poor, then why did he kidnap you? And then ask me to pay the ransom! Something is fishy about that. I think that maybe my father has something to do with this. He may have made enemies. ” said Tanishk, with a serious tone.
“Maybe your father had something to do with this after all! I don’t feel safe knowing that he had enemies.” Replied his mother.
“His enemies live even now. I don’t think it is safe for you to live here anymore. So you have to go far away, where they can’t touch you.” Said Tanishk.
“I can’t leave you! You have to come with me!” said Tanishk’s Mother.
“No. I am going to send you to Europe. Don’t ask me how I am going to do that. I have enough money now from Mohan’s bank account to assure you a visa and buy an air ticket.” Said Tanishk, hiding a tear from his eye.
“If that is what you wish, then I’ll go. But promise me that you will come to meet me.” Said Tanishk’s mother, making no attempt to hide her tears and emotions.
“Ok. Your plane is going to Sweden tomorrow, at 5:30 pm. Here is your air ticket. Here is your passport. Take it.” Tanishk said, giving the air ticket and passport to his mother.
This was actually Tanishk’s first robbery. It was normal. It only involved hacking Mohan’s bank account and transferring lacks of rupees to his account.
His mother hugged him tightly, wishing that this moment would never end. She didn’t want to go but she also didn’t want to disobey her son’s orders.
Tanishk assured his mother that he would come to meet her one day and take her back with him.

Now, Tanishk had to explore his father’s robberies and dealings. He now had no weak point, in case it got ugly. He had enjoyed rescuing his mother, and hoped that he would enjoy doing this also.

Chapter 7

Back to Gurgaon. . . . . .
“As I had planned, the kidnappers didn’t get to know that I was tracking them. I am a genius.” Thought Tanishk.
“Still, I shouldn’t be overconfident. Not at this stage. The kidnappers may have a trick up their sleeve. You never know these people.”
Tanishk entered his house and slowly closed the door. He ate some fruits that were left in the basket and then fell on his bed, which wasn’t very comfortable. He soon fell asleep.
The next day . . . .
Sunlight fell on Tanishk’s eyes which made him wake up immediately. He stood beside his bed for a while, till he remembered how important the present day was for him. He quickly changed his clothes.
“Now I am ready.” He spoke, giving his smug smile.
Back to Islampur . . . . . .
“Sir, Sir! All the cameras have blacked out! All the bugs have been cut!  I don’t know how this happened! Should we suspect the boy?” Ali blurted out.
“Hmm, how did this happen? We checked the cameras before installing them. The bugs were in perfect condition! The kid can’t possibly know that we installed the cameras and bugs. Or can he? I will tell Zafar to go and check what is happening.” Said Mohan, the mastermind behind this kidnapping.
“Ok sir. The boy can’t possibly do this. He is an idiot! He is an emotional fool.” Said Ali.
Somewhere near, Tanishk’s mother grinned.
Mohan picked up his phone and dialled a number.
“Zafar, I need you to check what is going on in the kid’s house. All the cameras have blacked out. All the bugs have been cut! Proceed with caution!” said Mohan.
“Don’t worry sir. I will check this problem. Tanishk cannot have done this. Anyways, I will call you when I have solved this problem.” Replied a voice on the phone.
Mohan felt reassured as he trusted Zafar. Zafar was one of the most able guys to do the job. Still, he couldn’t understand how this had happened. Something was strange.
Mohan waited for the screens to lighten up. Ten minutes had passed, still nothing had happened. He picked up his phone and called Zafar.
“Everything is fine, sir. The boy is here. I am trying to fix the cameras. No problem.”  Said Zafar.
“Ok! Speed up a little bit!” replied an impatient Mohan.
“Everything is fine, sir. Let me concentrate, would you?” said Zafar.
“Ok! Speed up!” said Mohan angrily. He banged his phone on the table then.
“I can’t believe this! This wasn’t supposed to happen! Has Tanishk planned this? I wouldn’t hesitate to kill his mother right now. No, I have to wait. I haven’t gotten any orders from my master yet. Let us consider this as a temporary problem then.” Thought Mohan.
Suddenly his phone rang. He glanced at his phone screen. The number was not displayed; it simply said ‘Private Number’. He picked his phone up and put it against his ear after hitting the receive button.
“Hello Mr. Mohan. How are you?”
“I am fine. Who is this?”
Suddenly, the tone became more serious.
“This is the NBCI speaking. We are coming to arrest you for your involvement in a drugs case.”
“Wait! WH…what? I can’t believe this! You don’t have the authorization of doing this.” Mohan stuttered.
“We’ll meet you in a while. We are coming for you! So run!” said the voice on the phone.
The call was then disconnected. “Something is certainly fishy.” Said Mohan.
“We have to run! Everyone, move out!” It was too late! The police sirens could be heard. Suddenly cross firing began.
“I can’t believe this! Zafar also hasn’t called yet! What has happened? Now I can say with utmost certainty that Tanishk has something to do with this! I am going to kill his mother!”
In between this melee, he headed towards the room where he had held Tanishk’s mother captive.
The thing that happened next made Mohan drop his mouth and widen his eyes, at the same time.
The room was empty. A note had been attached to the chair. Mohan picked it up. It said –“I am coming for you.”
He knew who had written this. He ran frantically towards his workers to aid him in this confusion. From somewhere, Tanishk appeared with a gun in his hand.
Mohan was awestruck. “How has this happened? My workers are probably trying to kill the policemen, so they are busy. What a nice time to show up!” He thought.
“I had pledged that I would kill you! So, bye-bye!” said Tanishk without showing any remorse.
Before Mohan could utter another word, the gun fired and the bullet went straight through his head. He fell and hit the ground hard. That didn’t matter because he was dead anyway.
Now, Tanishk had to run out of this place. He had planted a bomb in the main room, and it would blast anytime. He ran with all his might, and succeeded in escaping from this unlucky place. After a while, he heard the sound of an explosion. He smiled. He had succeeded in clearing all the evidence. Now, No one would suspect him of this. He had struck hard at Mohan with such vengeance that it resulted in his death. “At least I properly cremated his body.” He joked.
 He headed towards his home, with a gleam in his eye. He had saved his mother. This ignited a smile on his face, although for a short while.
He was sure that his mother would ask how all this had happened. This night, his mother would be thrilled to hear how she was saved from the clutches of Mohan.